Egypt Fishing's Fish Species
Fishing Albums From Egypt Fishing's Safaris
he Red Sea enjoys a unique diversity of bottom structures, ranging from arid sandy to thick, multi-layered coral reef. This, together with warm-to-hot climate, makes the Red Sea an ideal habitat for an underwater world featuring few thousand creatures and species. Although the number species usually sought on fishing trips is, in general, limited, the rich and diverse environment suggests decent and ample presence, both as dwelling and migrating.
Most of the world-wide familiar fishing techniques are practiced in Egypt such as bottom still fishing, boat trolling, cast trolling (or casting), drift fishing, vertical jigging, etc. The most enjoyable technique reported is bottom still fishing of depths of water ranging between 15 and 35 meters. Then comes boat trolling, then the rest of the techniques.
Amongst fishing species sought during our trips and safaris are:
(Latin: Seriola Dumerili)
Barracuda, Great
(Latin: Sphyraena Barracuda)
Bohar Snapper (AKA Two-Spot Red Snapper)
(Latin: Lutjanus bohar)
Bonito (AKA Little Tunny, Bobo, Albert Fish)
(Latin: Euthynnus Alletteratus)
- Breams (Several Species)
- Calamari
Cobia (AKA Black Salmon, Crab Cruncher)
(Latin: Rachycentron Canadum)
Dogtooth Tuna
(Latin: Gymnosarda Unicolor)
(Latin: Lethrinus Nebulosus)
Gar Fish (AKA Hoo, Halfbeak, Ballyhoo)
(Latin: Hemiramphus Robustus, Hemiramphus Brasiliensis)
Giant Trevally
(Latin: Caranx Ignobilis)
- Goatfish
(Latin: Mullidae)
Gray Snapper (AKA Schoolmaster Snapper)
(Latin: Lutjanus Apodus)
Groupers (Several Species)
Grouper, Moon Tail (AKA Moon Grouper, Moontail Grouper, Lunar-Tail Grouper)
(Latin: Variola Albimarginata)
Hawaiian Bigeye (AKA Catalufa)
(Latin: Priacanthus Meeki)
- Jacks
King Soldier Bream
(Latin: Argyrops Spinifer)
Mahi Mahi (Dorado or Dolphin Fish)
(Latin: Coryphaena Hippurus)
Needle (AKA Needle Fish)
(Latin: Belonidae)
Puffer Fish (AKA Blow Fish, Fugu, or Fuku)
(Latin: Arothron Stellatus)
Red Snapper
Sail Fish (AKA Atlantic Sail Fish)
(Latin: Istiophorus)
- Squid
Unicorn Leather Jacket (AKA Trigger, Unicorn Leatherjacket)
(Latin: Aluterus Monoceros)
Wahoo (King Fish, Cavalla, King Mackerel)
(Latin: Scomberomorus Cavalla)
Wolf Herring
(Latin: Chirocentrus Nudus)
- Wrasses
Yellow Fin Tuna
(Latin: Thunnus Albacares)
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Egyptian marine law and regulations prohibit fishing of several species, some of which are considered endangered species and organisms threatened by extinction. Non-fishing species include:
- Sharks (several species)
- Dolphins (several species)
- Napoleon Fish (Latin: Cheilinus undulatus)
- Moray Eel (Latin: Muraenidae)
- Sea Turtle (Latin: Chelonioidea)
- Stingray (Latin: Hexatrygonidae, Plesiobatidae, Urolophidae, Urotrygonidae, Dasyatidae, Potamotrygonidae, Gymnuridae, Myliobatidae)
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