Fishing in Egypt for Giant Trevally
► Trevally (Caranx Ignobilis), Amberjack (Seriola dumerili)
 15kg Giant Trevally (L: Caranx Ignobilis) Deep Trolling, Hurghada

 Hazim Gomaa holding a Giant Trevally (L: Caranx Ignobilis) Deep Sea Trolling, Hurghada

 40kg Giant Trevally (L: Caranx Ignobilis) Drop-off Poppering (surface casting), Hurghada

 Ayman Saleeb holding a 25kg Giant Trevally (L: Caranx Ignobilis) Deep Trolling, Gulf of Suez

 Giant Trevally (L: Caranx Ignobilis) Deep Trolling, Hurghada

 Giant Trevally (L: Caranx Ignobilis) Deep Trolling, Hurghada

 Giant Trevally Poppering (L: Caranx Ignobilis) Drop-off Poppering (surface casting), Hurghada

 Ayman Abdel Hafiz with a 16.5kg Amberjack (L: Seriola dumerili) Deep Trolling with 14cm Red Head lure, Gulf of Suez [View Higher Resolution]

 Red Sea Amberjack Same fish above
