Fishing in Egypt has always been a great experience. Snappers and breams constitute most of the fun and excitement any Egyptian angler can hope for! Being still-fishing species, fishing for snappers and breams resemble a full-fledged fishing experience comprising baiting, sensation, luck, patience, bottom snagging, patience, patience, nibbling/biting, striking/snatching for setting of hook, more luck, reeling with playing, losing the fish, tangling the line with other anglers, gaffing or netting, landing, photos, photos, and more photos!
As indicated above, snappers and breams are (mostly) still-fishing species, found at depths ranging from 0 to 100+ meters. Boat is usually anchored outside the edges of coral logs or coral lumps, where most fish would reside or visit to prey. It has almost never happened that a snapper or bream were caught on trolling or jigging. The most used baits for fihsing in Egypt for snappers and breams are natural whole baits or natural cut baits such as shrimp, sardine, mackerel, calamari, squid, crab, saltwater worms, adult barracuda, and school barracuda. Some snappers and breams are best caught with small live fish or with live shrimp.